Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11
Math- Lesson 100
Rotations- new spelling lists, Part 1 & 2  Tale of Patricius, fluency
Social Studies- research for battle/important event

Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8
Math- Lesson 99
Super Skills- Library
Rotations- reading groups, spelling practice, English p. 222-223
Science- Mrs. Nelson
ABA/Make up work time

Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 7
Math- Lesson 98
Super Skills- computer
Social Studies- research on different battles/events
Rotations- reading groups, journal (free choice), 4 Possessive Pronouns
Science- Mrs. Nelson

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5
Math- Lesson 96
Super Skills- Art
Rotations- finished James Forten story, circuit lesson
Science- Mrs. Nelson
Social Studies- started American Revolution battle research
George Washington reading comprehension

Monday, March 4, 2013

Mar 4
Math- Test
Super Skills- P.E.
Rotations- spelling test, vocabulary, silent read
English- Page 220-221
Social Studies- finished timeline

Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1
Math- Lesson 95
Super Skills- Library
Rotations- spelling practice, groups, journal (what is your most prized possession and why)
Science- Mrs. Nelson

I sent home a missing work list with each student.  Please ask to see it!